Klassik Smiles Blog

What’s the Best Dental Crown Material?

July 23, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 4:48 am

Dentist discussing dental crown with patientA dental crown is the most common restorative treatment because of its diversity. The customized cap covers the entire surface of a tooth above the gum line, giving it an added layer of protection. It can also repair broken teeth and be used along with other procedures, like root canal therapy. Thanks to a variety of materials, dental crowns also provide cosmetic benefits. You have many types to choose from, but which is best? Here’s what you need to know when picking a material for your restoration.


Are There Any Simple Home Remedies for a Severe Toothache?

July 14, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 5:47 pm
Woman searching the pantry

Severe and persistent toothaches are likely due to an untreated infection. Your best course of action is getting an emergency dental appointment. But sometimes life gets in the way. Maybe your pain is unbearable and you can’t drive, your spouse is unreachable or far away, or car service fees are astronomical. Here are some home remedies for a severe toothache.


4 Questions You Should Ask at Your Next Dental Checkup

April 26, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 6:47 pm
Dentist smiling at patient during checkup

Unfortunately, many patients approach their six-month dental checkups and cleanings with one goal: get in and out of the treatment chair as quickly as possible. In reality, these appointments are crucial; they allow you to talk with your dentist one-on-one about how to maintain and enhance your oral health. If you’re unsure where to start the conversation, then keep reading to learn four questions you should ask at your dental checkup.


Will Teeth Grinding Stop You From Getting Invisalign?

April 12, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 4:56 pm
woman putting in Invisalign tray

Invisalign has evolved quite a bit since it was invented, meaning that more and more people are able to use it to straighten their teeth and avoid having to spend years in metal braces. For all its advancements, however, can it help people who grind their teeth? Some estimates show that around 10-20% of the US population does, and if this includes you, does that mean you automatically have to get braces? Thankfully, this isn’t the case, but there are a few caveats.


Why is Drinking Water Necessary for Good Oral Health?

March 9, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 8:32 pm
a glass of water

Staying hydrated is important for both your body and your smile. Not only does it help to flush out harmful toxins and increase your energy, but it also works to boost the health of your teeth and gums, minimizing the effects of serious decay and gum disease. In this article, you’ll learn why hydration is important and ways you can begin drinking more water so that you stay on top of your oral and overall health.


4 Easy-to-Follow Steps for When You Knock Out a Tooth

March 3, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 6:00 pm
a patient visiting their emergency dentist

Life can come at you pretty fast, and no matter where you are or what you’re doing, the possibility of experiencing a dental emergency exists. But you don’t have to live in fear of these situations; if you ever find yourself with a knocked-out tooth or some other type of urgent situation involving your smile, a little quick thinking and contacting your emergency dentist can ensure you don’t suffer any long-term consequences! Here are 4 easy-to-follow steps to keep in mind if you unexpectedly knock out one of your pearly whites.


5 Questions to Ask Your Cosmetic Dentist for Your New Smile

February 10, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 2:31 am
a woman smiling after her smile makeover

There’s more to a smile than meets the eye. Research has found that the simple act of showing your pearly whites releases feel-good chemicals in your brain, resulting in a happier mood! It also impacts people around you, causing a ripple effect by making them grin too. Unfortunately, you may not feel confident in your teeth, which makes you feel self-conscious to show them. If you are considering cosmetic dentistry, you might not know what to ask your dentist. These five questions will help you get the ball rolling toward your new, radiant smile!


What to Do If Your Dental Crown Falls Out

January 27, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 9:19 pm
Finger holding a crown next to an impression of teeth

Dental crowns often last around 10 to 15 years, but sometimes your restoration may fall out of your mouth before then. A lost dental crown isn’t as urgent as a knocked-out tooth or severe dental pain, but it’s still a problem that needs to be addressed by a professional as soon as possible. If you ever find yourself with a crown that has fallen off your tooth, follow these tips to keep the situation under control.


Is a Dental Savings Plan Right for You?

January 17, 2023

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 6:59 pm

Hand putting coin in blue piggy bankDid you know 92% of adults have cavities and 50% of Americans have gum disease? Both are leading causes of tooth loss, despite being preventable. Unfortunately, brushing and flossing aren’t enough to keep decay and infection at bay. The American Dental Association also recommends a cleaning and checkup every 6 months; however, not everyone has dental insurance. You don’t have to skip seeing your dentist or worry about a large bill by joining a dental savings plan. You can invest in your oral health without costing you an arm or a leg.


Flossing as a New Year’s Resolution

December 20, 2022

Filed under: category — drcayo @ 9:32 am
A woman flossing

With December almost over, 2022 is drawing to a close. That being said, have you thought about your goals for 2023? Now is a good time to make resolutions for the new year — weight loss, job advancement, etc. In particular, you might want to try flossing more often. Doing so would boost your oral health and give you a prettier smile! If you’re interested, your St. Peters’ dentist will even help out. Here’s a summary of why and how to floss for better teeth in the future.

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